Lisa Por

I am walking 35km for Carter & Gabriella



7:23:19 AM


2:48:56 PM


07h 25m 37s

I'm Walking 35km to Cure Mito in The Bloody Long Walk!

I'm walking 35km in The Bloody Long Walk to help Australians living with mitochondrial disease.

That’s 46,200 steps in one day!

I know I’ll cross the finish line exhausted and blistered, but that’s nothing compared to what people with mitochondrial disease (mito) go through every day of their lives.

Mito robs the body’s cells of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure. It can affect anyone at any age.

Please sponsor my walk to fund research into desperately needed treatments and cures for this devastating disease.

Every dollar will make a difference!

My 35km walk will be bloody tough, but with your support, I know I can do it.


My Achievements

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First donation to reach STAR status

Raise $200 to reach CHAMPION status

Raise $350 to achieve HERO status

Raise $1000 to reach BLOODY LEGEND status

Raise $2,000 to reach MEGASTAR status

Reach my fundraising goal to cure mito

Thank you to my Sponsors


Uncle Russ & Sandra.

Hi Lisa Uncle Russ and I are so very happy to support you. Lots of Love. xx



My beautiful friend, I’m in awe of you every day. You are an amazing woman and such a beautiful soul. How I wish I could bring your babies back to you. I’m so blessed we were able to be such a close part of Carter’s life. And I think about him all the time So proud of you ❤️ Love to you always


Rebecca Kent

Behind you all the (loooong) way. X


Compeed Matched Donation


Neil And Alejandra Gabin

With lots of love


Kirsty Carleton

Sending love to you and your babies xx


Compeed Matched Donation


Jeff, Kristen And Evie Miller

Big ups to you on another bloody long walk! Every step counts for plenty :)


The Kells Family

Good luck for the walk Lisa.


Betty W

In loving memory of Gabriella and Carter. Love you my dear friend Lisa.


The Smiths


Compeed Matched Donation


The Mei's

We love you guys so much. God bless.


Debbie, Greg, And Amy Satara

In memory of Gabriella and Carter, and for those that are fighting the Mito battle now. Xxx





Gaby M

Miss you sending you a hugs 🤗🤍🤍😇😇


Beryl Henneberry

So proud of you Lisa, such a strong, generous and loving woman, God Bless you


Compeed Matched Donation


Poonam Thapa

Lots of love to Gabriella and Carter♥️♥️


Compeed Matched Donation


Lisa Por


Sarah Mccarthy

Sending you so much love beautiful lady


Compeed Matched Donation


Silia & Jamie

Sending you big loves on your hikoi (walk) love from silia xx


Mong Nhi Ngo

Go go go! You can do this!

9th Event in the Mito Movement