Kirsty Lamb

I am walking 35km for Sienna Lamb

I'm Walking 35km to Cure Mito in The Bloody Long Walk!

I'm walking 35km in The Bloody Long Walk to help Australians living with mitochondrial disease.

That’s 46,200 steps in one day!

I know I’ll cross the finish line exhausted and blistered, but that’s nothing compared to what people with mitochondrial disease (mito) go through every day of their lives.

Mito robs the body’s cells of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure. It can affect anyone at any age.

Please sponsor my walk to fund research into desperately needed treatments and cures for this devastating disease.

Every dollar will make a difference!

My 35km walk will be bloody tough, but with your support, I know I can do it.


My Achievements

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First donation to reach STAR status

Raise $200 to reach CHAMPION status

Raise $350 to achieve HERO status

Raise $1000 to reach BLOODY LEGEND status

Raise $2,000 to reach MEGASTAR status

Reach my fundraising goal to cure mito

Thank you to my Sponsors


Millicent Tziros


Chez And Craig




Brigitte Mcmillan

Go Kirsty


Orson Mcintyre-wills




Tammy Jeremaia

You’re an inspiration my beautiful Black Hawk ❤️🙏✌️😘



You are amazing


Danielle Mcmillan

Kirsty you’re amazing! Sienna’s so lucky to have you as her mum 🥰❤️


Kirsty Lamb


Vicki Bergen


Cheryl Jellie

Enjoy your walk x


Pete & Kerry

Great work Kirsty!!


Julie Daniels Shuck

You go girl! Well done xox


Tyra Clayton


Jane And Ren

Love your work Kirsty. You will reach your goal no doubt.


Kylie C


Greg And Monica Cullen

Well done!! Amazing and inspiring! 💙 to you all.



👏👏👏 Best mum ever!!! 🌸🩷 💪


Sharon Hughes

Good luck Kirsty. 😊


Felicity Lynne


Jaylon Smith




Evan Balfour


Corey Mccoll


Bryce Baschera


Lachy Harry


Kiana Horman


Chris Gill


Luisa Rinaldi


Anne Thomas

Grat work Kirsty and team!


Michelle Tate


Judy O'shannassy

You are one amazing lady

2nd Event in the Mito Movement