The mitoHOPE Program

The Bloody Long Walk 2025 - Melbourne

We're walking 35km in The Bloody Long Walk!

The mitoHOPE Program team is walking 35km in The Bloody Long Walk to help Australians living with mitochondrial disease.

The mitoHOPE Program is a pilot introduction of mitochondrial donation into Australian clinical practice. A baby born after mitochondrial donation is expected to have a greatly reduced chance of developing mitochondrial disease.

Led by a team of pioneering experts in mitochondrial donation, mito research, assisted reproductive technology, and bioethics in partnership with the mito community, the mitoHOPE Program is committed to transforming the reproductive options for people impacted by mitochondrial disease.

We know we’ll cross the finish line exhausted and blistered, but that’s nothing compared to what people with mitochondrial disease (mito) go through every day of their lives.

Mito robs the body’s cells of energy, causing multiple organ dysfunction or failure. It can affect anyone at any age.

Please sponsor our walk to fund research into desperately needed treatments and cures for this devastating disease.

Every dollar will make a difference.


Our Achievements

Upload team profile picture

Recruit first team member

Achieve 25% of fundraising goal

Achieve 50% of fundraising goal

Achieve 75% of fundraising goal

Reached team fundraising goal

Thank you to our Sponsors




John Christodoulou

Sorry, I won't be able to join you for the walk (dodgy knees!!), but I'll be thinking of you on the day!!


Lauren Houston


Kirsty Pope

It's a bloody long way but you've bloody well got this!


Tess Blackie



Suzanne Muir

Lots of love mum xxx


Brydie Nielson


Annette Kausche


Peter Nielson


Sammy A

Go Angelique Beaumont!


Sandy Duncan

Go you xxx scrotta


Simone & Dallas Evans

Well done for entering to do such a challenging walk again Angelique. It’s no small feat! Good luck to you and your team.


Angelique Beaumont


Rachael Kasap


Vicki Milanovic

Love you heaps Brydie! Always helping others xx



Good luck on the walk!


Rahul Roy